Reserve expenses 30 years away
"Why should we reserve for expenses that are 30 years away?" HOA Reserve Studies are extremely important. How can a
"Why should we reserve for expenses that are 30 years away?" HOA Reserve Studies are extremely important. How can a
"Is there a law that requires an association to have a Reserve Study done?" Legal Reserve Study requirements vary from state
"How often should a Reserve Study be updated?" Reserve Study updates should not be considered a one-time deal. Unfortunately, there is
"Why do you ask for a full set of declarations?" We ask you to send full declarations for a few
"How often should a level 3 (no-site visit) report be done?" There are several states that require a Reserve Study
"What are the additional services/options listed on your proposal?" In the past, we have had some associations hire us to
Does the Reserve Study set HOA Dues? The Reserve Study covers the Reserve recommendation portion of the dues, not what
Some of our clients believe that, since we are the experts, why would we need to bother their vendors and
From experience we know what the most common components are, however our studies are done specific to your association and
A great question - "Is a full Reserve Study practical for our small HOA? Is the price worth it, or